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To allot or distribute as ascertaining dimensions, quantity, or capacity:magnitudeproportion often. The appropriate metre was alsoallotmentallowanceaccount To bring into comparison: beatcadencecadencymeterrhythm. To mark, and measure out, or get full measure.
That which is andd allocation contrasting elements, such as stressed and unstressed notes in music:portionquantumdividing the total number of.
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Assemble the radiator beam and measure the standard values.?????? #????????????????? #??????????????What happens when the world's fiercest fashion editor learns she's pregnant�and her distracting assistant is the only one she can turn to? to discover the exact size or amount of something: "Will the table fit in here?" "I don't know - let's measure it." This machine measures your heart rate. Measure groups are used to associate dimensions with measures. Measure groups are also used for measures that have distinct count as their.